Spaniel Essentials One to One Training Courses

Spaniel essentials one to one puppy and dog training course for all spaniels, their crossbreeds & cockapoos from 12 weeks. 

Helping you & your puppy or dog with 3 essential life skills. 

Held in Clanfield, using gentle & pain free training methods which consider their needs, personality & natural instincts to build your relationship & confidence.


• Loose lead walking

• Recall

• Calm behaviours in public places

Puppy Essentials (for puppies from vaccination to 5 months)
3 x 45-minute sessions held weekly  
Spaniel Essentials (for dogs from 5 months)
3 x 60 minute 1-2-1 sessions held fortnightly 


We also offer

We specialise in spaniels, their crossbreeds & cockapoos but can adapt to all other breeds

For further information on our other services Click here